Fit Pits Deodorant (Unisex)


Fit Pits Deodorant (Unisex)


All natural deodorant that kills bacteria in the arm pits to prevent odor. Made with aloe vera, arrowroot powder, ginger root, lemon grass, kokum butter, coconut oil, & essential oils.

Please contact to customize your special scent!

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Tips for easing yourself into Natural Deodorant

Let’s Start with “Why Natural Deodorant?”

The simplest answer is TOXINS!  Your body may need a few days, even weeks, to rid itself of these.

I originally spoke to my doctor about the best practices to avoid adding aluminum and other toxins into my body.  He suggested that I start with Natural Deodorant!  I was hesitant at first because I am a Fitness Professional and I workout a ton, so I sweat a TON!  I tried a bunch but they never left me dry!  For this reason, I came up with my own recipe.  I also realized later on, that I never eased myself into it, and I don’t think my body was as ready as well as my mind.  

So here are some tips for you….

1. Before bed, cleanse your pits with warm water and soap!  Cruxbodycare Soap:)))) Totally Kidding but not really.

Follow this up with a bit of avocado or coconut oil to each pit.

2. In the AM, Cleanse again and apply a bit more oil, then add the deodorant!  

3.  If you are sweating profusely throughout  day, use warm water and more deodorant.  After 3 days, use lemon juice as an astringent on your pits before bed, followed by the oil.  

Keep this up for a week or until you no longer have wet or smelly pits.

This may take a couple of weeks!  You may also have an ashy coloring coming from your pits.  This will subside.

Enjoy Being Natural!